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Finding a Consultant Job as a Senior


Someone once defined consulting as the business of providing advice to firms in trouble, on the move, or trying to do what they do better, faster, and cheaper. The employers of these consultants describe it a bit more down to earth as doing the work that a company does not want to do, or cannot do with their own resources. It is an activity best suited for those who are able to think on their feet and are able to assimilate situations quickly.

Working as a consultant on a temporary or project basis is a viable option. The advantage of this type of work is that you can generate income, while choosing which assignments to pursue and, setting your own schedule. By working through a staffing firm, you will receive career guidance, insight about emerging technologies and job leads. Staffing firms also can give you a good start on the types of companies that are targeting professionals with your abilities and background.

For some professionals, working is a financial necessity. This is probably more true today, in 2009, than ever. Many people have lost money in their 401k plans and from their retirement savings. For many others, however, working beyond 65 is a choice. Regardless of why you work, the opportunities are abundant and will likely continue to grow. To maximize your marketability, you should use our self assessment page in order to make sure, what you want to do. Then, when you have ascertained that, position yourself as an adaptable, yet proven professional who’s at the forefront of your industry. Aaptive Workout

If your experience is in the financial area (accountants, auditors, forensic financial work, bookkeeping, financial systems, tax work, controlling etc.), Robert Half International Inc. is one of the world’s first and largest specialized staffing firm with a global network of more than 350 offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. They are always looking for well qualified people. For more information about their professional services, please visit www.rhi.com .

Some other companies that offer areas, where senior experience will be a valuable asset are shown below.

Jobs in Consulting Companies Links to Companies, Recruiters and Consultant Groups
Web Address Type Location Remark
World Headquarters
3680 Victoria Street North
Suite 118
Shoreview, MN 55126
Ph: 651.787.1280
Fx: 651.367.1084
A Consultant's company that matches consultants who subscribe with start up and small companies who need consultants USA
English, Nationwide
All areas of business in all areas of the country from finance to engineering and manufacturing specialists
Jobs for Seniors Internet Job Board with Consulting and Short Term Contract Jobs for Seniors USA
English, Nationwide
Mainly Managerial across the country
Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) The website will give you the address of local offices The company has offices in almost every large city in the USA and also worldwide USA and Worldwide, English,
Other Languages
The company is a major consulting group. While many of its consultants are young, just having completed their MBA's, there is a place for seasoned seniors in this group. But you have to be excellent!

There are numerous consulting companies, you could approach Bain & Co. , Boston Consulting Group , Deloitte Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG , PricewaterhouseCoopers etc. As you probably noticed, many of these companies have an accounting background. But this does not mean that you have to be an accountant to work for them. In fact, all of them, employ multiple disciplines and if you have good skills and knowledge in an industry, you are probably of interest to them, provided they have an assignment in that area. If you want to try some more localized consulting groups, you can find some of them through Google.


Smaller Locally based Consulting Companies

Though many of the smaller local consulting groups do not have a web site and their existence and client acquisition depends on "word of mouth".

You could also try to get jobs as a freelancer. Sologig connects freelance, contract, and part-time employees with over 100,000 projects in every career field. Sologig describes itself as "the niche community where top contractors and consultants connect with those quality employers looking to fill contract and consulting positions quickly and efficiently".

Freelance Jobs in Consulting Links to Job Boards, Recruiters and Consultant Groups
Web Address Type Location Remark
Contracted Work
A Consultants work job board where companies can post their projects and receive bids. You have to post a consultants profile USA and UK
English, Nationwide
All areas of business in all areas of the country from writing to programming to finance to engineering and manufacturing
Future Years Another Internet Job Board with Consulting and Short Term Contract Jobs for Seniors USA
English, Nationwide
ALL TYPES OF JOBS across the country. Lots of information but a bit short on the job side.
is a specialized Seniors workplace internet site. There are consulting jobs on here, but you have to look for them really well.
Internet Job Board with jobs and information USA,
Has jobs at all levels and in all States

Working as a freelance consultant is not always easy. There are several problems you might face, some of them will have to do with your seniority and some with the fact, that you might have had a position in your former professional life that was considerably higher, than what you get offered as a freelance consultant.

If you have worked at a certain seniority level, many clients might be worried that you will be will be bored, if you accept an assignment for a job that is at a lower level then the last job you held during your main professional life.

Other problems you might face as a Senior in consulting is, that you could be potentially intimidating to the person who is your client. This often occurs, if the manager that employed you is senior and the the manager you are dealing with is younger and therefore intimidated. He, or she, might be unwilling to cooperate with someone who could be their parent. Therefore, you will have to be careful, how you deal with clients and their staff in an assignment.

All of these issues can be worked out. Though, they required diligence and application on your part. It will be a whole new challenge in your life!

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